Sunday, September 30, 2007

worlds best friends

CHIODOS in 2 hours! I am already in pain and this concert is going to throw me over the top. its all worth it. going with Ter so we are about to rage out!

i won't bitch out and stay in the back, its the front or its home! i hope i can crowd surf today too. WOOOOHOOO!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


"Although named by the Portuguese, saudade is a universal feeling related to love. It occurs when two people are in love, but apart from each other. Saudade occurs when we are thinking of a person whom we love and we are happy about having that feeling while we are thinking of that person, but he/she is out of reach, making us sad and crushing our hearts. The pain and these mixed feelings are named saudade." - wiki


i feel like i've been hit by a car. im glad i had gear on and not in the hospital getting skin-graphs haha. no bueno at all

i <3 RAF

we are studying
Raffy (Autoreply)
home body

Hourt Tan
if you want, come to my house and i'll drive
areu in perris?

Hourt Tan
fuck yea i have no underwear =x

world of hurt

FUCK. i didn't think i can be this sore.haha my neck is stiff as fuck. my chest feels like i was benching 300lbs and my back hurts. damn you!

Friday, September 28, 2007

went down

hit up palomar canyons. fucking lowsided my bike. slid right under neath me @ around 50-60mph. bike ended up in a ditch on the side of the mountain. it was a good ride while it lasted. on the last run i had to go down

my entire right arm hurts esp. my forearm and knuckles. both of my knees feel sore. i know my bad will hurting like no other tomorrow. we'll see how i feel manana.

time to study with ter

motto of the night

mic and i are gone. we came up with "we can't die tonight". haha and its fucking true.

until tomorrow!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


just got out of chem lab. my partner nora and i rocked it so hard we finished the next lab work today. so we don't have to do shit tuesday! taco tuesday is the plan.

have a lot of hw but im going to chill with mic tonight.

THE OFFICE in an hour. and its fucking 1 hour long!

FUCK greys anatomy!

killing time

wasting away trying to push back this lab report. haha.

got my cell phone bill dropped to normal! stupid ass cingular/att whatever they are

ok back to studying

Now playing: Justice - D.A.N.C.E.
via FoxyTunes


waitng to get on the phone with att. they over charged my bill, by 200 dollars! haha they are playing house music while i am on hold.

long ass day today. staying in school all day cause of homework.

at least mic is coming over to chill tonight

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

monday tuesday brians thursday friday

here is a taste of what brians does to you

and i am sad i missed out


hell yeah, friday heading out to palomar with the gang to go riding for a couple hours.a couple of hours of freedom from school and life. finally something to look forward to from this crazy week.

time to break in the 1piece before streets of willow

back to studying

72 lights

chillen with a cig on my balcony. i hate that while i am chatting with ter on how hard it is to study that, and my cig goes out. fucking fire hazard cigs.

and i just heard marc say "thats messed up i am about to shower" hahahaha

school again

my roommates are all at Brians cause its Brians day and i am stuck at home because i need to do a lab report. DAMN you school! its ok im trying to say sober. detox.

but still 5 dollars 4 beers is so hard to stay away from!

i could be drunk blogging right now

sitting in class

4 for 4 on my quiz. damn lab test today!

got a free redbull from people passing them out.

fuck im addicted to blogging. damn you ter and marc


before i leave

so we've come to not even smiling at each other. wow. its fine.
what happened to saying hi at school?

Now playing: Uffie - First Love
via FoxyTunes


break before class. so fucking hungry but no real time to eat. at least nothing enjoyable.

still so tired and a massive headache is coming. i feel it


currently behind in my school work. fuck

study session all day today and tomorrow

no brians today =(

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


acoustic songs are so terribly good. so nice to listen to but it just brings a world of hurt

incubus - i miss you
thats is what just went on itunes.
