Friday, October 24, 2008


so this is pretty much the first weekend that I am without Luann. Call me whatever but it's a wierd feeling when the person you see everyday is gone for the weekend, on a fieldtrip. Haha crazy. Anyways for some venting

Wow has this week been extremely stressful. If you didn't know, one of my uncles passes away while I was at aids walk. It was crazy and it didn't hit me until I drove away from the walk. Why is all I asked myself. I am fortunate enough to have awesome friends and a wonderful girlfriend to help me through it. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. On top of that, as many of you know I have been incredibly busy with zeta stuff. It's totally something new and fun on a whole new level but it does add on the stress at times. I realize that it is my fault and it is helping me grow and learn as an individual. I have no regrets what so ever with the decisions I have made. To add another layer to my week I had 3 midterms, one in calculus, genetics, and ochem. I honestly have only slept for about 10 or so hours this week. I am running off of coffee, black now no sugar or creme, energy drinks and just sheer determination to get this week behind me. Bring it on next week, it can only get brighter from here, I hope. Wish me luck


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


in love. yes the L word. actually its been a while already. i never thought it could happen so fast. i guess time isn't everything. i always knew i would, but so fast in a relationship it boggles my mind. 3months soon, well luann likes to think we have been together since june 28th, our first meeting. not a single regret what so ever. steph and i were talking about this, she is amazed that i am in love, and that i actually used the L word. i use to dread the L word, but then again i wasn't with luann. not to sound all soft and mushy and all that, but she is amazing, everything i could ask for. i know my recent blogs have been about her, but you know what i don't care. inseparable since the day we have met really. through the troubles we have, we face them together, one at a time.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

the best part of my days

is when i get to come home. its such an awesome feeling. even if i had such a harsh day, everything goes away. <3