Wednesday, February 18, 2009


i found the artist i want to do my sleeve. finally

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

On my own

so i am pretty much on my own. i start working soon. paying for my own rent and school. don't want to waste anyones money anymore. i can handle it. i can take care of myself. i have great support from a loving gf and amazing friends. its crazy what you can do when you have wonderful people backing you up. i want to thank Luann for everything. without her i don't know what i would have done or where i'd be right now. VV even though i don't see/talk to you guys much, i love you all dudes. like i know i can always count on you guys for anything and thank you for that support. Zetas, crazy i know but i love all these guys. thanks for everything. adios for now

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


i am done. i am so happy. i miss everything. you will be updated blogspot. oh i how miss writing. so many updates so much to tell everyone