Thursday, November 22, 2007


Thanks to everyone. My mom first and foremost for dealing with me and all my shit. i am one difficult ass son. My family because they are always there for me, believes in me, and no matter what has my back. My bros i grew up with. they are brothers to me. Always there no matter what, thanks for just being my bros. CF motherfucken STEPH, for being my sister! unstoppable team right there. The girls in my life that matter, thanks. Thanks to my friends for being my friends and helping me grow. anyone who has made an impact on my life, positive or even negative, thanks, its all a learning experience. now FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY EAT TURKEY ya DIG?!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

totally relaxed

so today i went on a ride with vadd and ivan. We started in Banning -> Idlywild -> Palm Desert ->Hemet ->home. haha most random places ever. logged a good 110+ miles of fun, not including the drive to get to the base of the mountain. damn it was so relaxing just riding. no real words really but its the best feeling, just to get away from everything, school, stress, shit. no music, no talking nothing, just me humming whatever was in my head. trying to get lower and lower to kiss the ground. i seriously can't wait for the next track day. march seems forever!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Why i quit drinking

VIVA LAS VEGAS! what an eventful night! i love vegas. i love the people i was with even more. we make the best of everything.
cliffnotes of the weekend.
Night 1 - nothing happened, steph and i were way too tired after the drive. she didn't sleep much the night before and i had midterms that day so i spent my nights studying. hung out at some weakass bar. took off and went to bed. THE WALL hahah.
Day 2 - ate pho at Pho Hoa. tried to do some shopping but didn't buy anything. got cleaned out playing single deck blackjack, harrahs owes me 100. took a nap and got ready for the night.
Night 2 - Killed a bottle of Patron + beers + jager and more so. Happy Birthday to SHARON! welcome to the club! Got into JET for free, thanks Angie and Steph lolololol. met Kat and her friends, very fun =). liquid COKES and Patron all night. wandered around drunk as fuck having no idea where the fuck i was. thats why i hate drinking. ended up in the room somehow! haha
Final day - ate pho again. feeling like shit. drove home feeling like shit. got home and felt like shit still. gatorade and del taco did nothing! haha i can't wait for new years. VENETIAN!

sunday night - met up with rommel link and ter. did the usual business. missing 2 people but thats what this weekend is for.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


haven't updated in a while. nothing really to update. it was actually nice spending friday-tuesday in moval. hung out with the usual gang. kicked back and chilled. it was nice to see steph C and marc at paul's party. i haven't hung out with them in a long time, even though marc and i are roomies. haha. congrats to paul for getting his masters. i was stuck beyond belief chillen with the fire pit and the bandanna keeping my face warm. that was pretty much the weekend. my truck is out of commission due to wheel bearings being fucked. its out for about a week. sucks not having a car. skated to school on monday. driving the mr2 again. school is blah, nothing real exciting, chemistry midterm friday then VEGAS! steph and i are going to set it off there. then 1 whole week of school off! fuck yeah. catch everyone later.

oh yeah BJs with the guys was fun. haha nice to hang with raffy and jan, the 2 guys closest to being done with school. good stuff. marvin, the same always cracking jokes. haha.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

kinetics of bleaching of methyl orange

i am on the 4th floor of the library, doing my lab report for chem. well not really cause im blogging haha. I register for spring semester today at 1. so far i am taking physics, organic chem, genetics, and calculus. weak. i won't have a life. i just talked to jan about how we don't have summer or winter breaks. it sucks but thats what it takes to be a student in the medical field. i am going to apply to med school if my gpa is high enough. im at like a 3.2 right now and i want to be at a 3.8. i have lots of classes left so there is a good chance i will raise it. actually i AM going to raise it. crazy as a kid it was a dream to go to med school, as a teenager i refused the medical field cause i thought it wasn't for me. now im considering applying, getting MCAT and PCAT books to study already. thats like at least an additional 4 years of school. fuck im going to be old as a rock when im done. its all good cause i'll be like House. I am doing it for myself cause i don't want to regret it later and be like "fuck what if i went to med school instead blah blah blah." i don't want to live with any regrets. guessing its like a test, what can i do, where can i go with my life. all that good stuff. its actually time for class and this blog is getting long. Dr. Tan or Doctor of Pharmacy Tan? either sounds good.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

a whale fell on my neck

my body is killing me. i got kicked in the face from a crowd surfer, i swear a whale of a girl landed on my neck. discovered that i have a phobia of fat girls. lol. not really but i can't stand/have a big girl rub up on my arm. its kinda gross. anyways its was a decent concert. scary kids scaring kids let me down a bit. only had a 20 minute set. the lead singers mic kept fucking up. and they didn't even play snake devil. Chiodos rocked like always. won't go to soma again though. i don't really dig the scene there. glass house rocks so much more. i'll give a real update soon.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

recap of the past and a look into the future

10/31 - pretty much a good day. after class i went straight to moval. threw my levers and windscreen on my bike. vadd and i went up to the 18 after throwing on my parts. i was in a groove going up the 18 until i see a bitch ass SUV cop. killed my mood so we just went back home. napped, talked with my mom until marites bbq. it was real nice. good food, good company. haha i saw people i haven't seen in a long time, such as Long, Tham, Amy, and Peter. the 7 year club was complete. haha jk guys. it was an awesome time really. relaxing, stress free and just a good time in general. kicked back a couple beers, nothing major. drove home.

11/1. another school day. nothing new. haha i was trying to study and the school decides to have a fucking test evacuation. WHY NOT DO IT WHEN IM IN CLASS?! whatevers. i end up chilling for like 30 minutes until im able to go back to my studies. didn't realize there were that many people that went to school at that time. finished my lab stuff an hour early so that was real nice.

so im online and me and ter just made plans to go to a couple of concerts. 11/3 is CHIODOS and SCARY KIDS SCARING KIDS! OMFG im so excited! the devil wears prada will be there so its going to be dope too. 11/10 is fucking CIRCA SURVIVE! haha man this month is going to be awesome. both concerts will cost ter and i less than 40 each. ter and i berely just saw chiodos and it was an amazing time. so a repeat is a must. now if i can only met a chick that gets down like ter and i lol.

off topic - i am actually going to give up drinking until i go to whistler. like jeff said "alcohol is overrated". no real reason, i haven't really drank for a while now so its whatevers, im not missing anything really. my choice actually, plus im going on a diet so beers are just empty carbs anways. also as of sunday i'll stop smoking cigs. or at least my an attempt at giving it up.size 0 here i come.

fuck this is a long ass blog. had to make up for the lack of updates.