Tuesday, November 6, 2007

kinetics of bleaching of methyl orange

i am on the 4th floor of the library, doing my lab report for chem. well not really cause im blogging haha. I register for spring semester today at 1. so far i am taking physics, organic chem, genetics, and calculus. weak. i won't have a life. i just talked to jan about how we don't have summer or winter breaks. it sucks but thats what it takes to be a student in the medical field. i am going to apply to med school if my gpa is high enough. im at like a 3.2 right now and i want to be at a 3.8. i have lots of classes left so there is a good chance i will raise it. actually i AM going to raise it. crazy as a kid it was a dream to go to med school, as a teenager i refused the medical field cause i thought it wasn't for me. now im considering applying, getting MCAT and PCAT books to study already. thats like at least an additional 4 years of school. fuck im going to be old as a rock when im done. its all good cause i'll be like House. I am doing it for myself cause i don't want to regret it later and be like "fuck what if i went to med school instead blah blah blah." i don't want to live with any regrets. guessing its like a test, what can i do, where can i go with my life. all that good stuff. its actually time for class and this blog is getting long. Dr. Tan or Doctor of Pharmacy Tan? either sounds good.

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