Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bang Bang

damn what a break its been. working at the dshop again. Thanks to jeff and ter for hanging out. like the good old days huh. snowboarding has been amazing, awesome start for the season. i already made up my season pass! i need my fix so link and i are about to hit up mt. high for some blackout date boarding. started sipping on henny, its not as bad anymore haha. went to TGIF in fullerton w/ euni and met up with a lot of old co-workers. Euni - thanks for the gifts!, i'll totally use the earmuffs when we go to bigbear hahahaha. and the hair clips. =). um yeah nothing new really. CONGRATS to Jan for finishing school. damn i wish i could say that. time to nap/x-mas shop. adios!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


finally on winter break! my mom is in cambodia for 2 weeks so im running the shop again. 4:30am-12. dizdamn! sall good my mom deserves it. I guess im over it finally. i looked through old pictures and just smiled. it doesn't sadden me or anything. things happen for a reason so something will happen, if it didn't already =). yeah. totally looking forward to what happens next, spring semester. trying to get the that volunteer/intern in Newport. yes time to grow up. its going to suck working for nothing but it'll pay off eventually.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


all week long. damn. its all good. don't go to hooters. haha. wings are so so and its pricey for weak ass food. add that to the list jeff and lainie. hahaha. typical blue collar joint. but i guess sex appeal sells. even though they are whatevers too. but i did get 10 free wings. so beer and wings i guess will be alright. last week of schoooool =X. im happy cause i always pull through at the end, the clincher. haven't been hitting the books like my nig raffy but still im on top of it, all day every day. hmmmm i still need to go to disneyland.

excited as fuck about this huge snow storm. all weekend long. im going up 4 times in the next week. yezzir! time to get those noseslides planted yadig!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


what isn't there to smile about. school is about to be done. even though final week is hectic, its what makes it much more fun to ace the finals. im always around good company. had some cactus cooler soju, sooooooooooo good =)!!! haha. holidays are coming up soon. more time with the family and friends. snowboarding season is in full effect! i thought it was going to be a bad holiday season, but nope. its going to be great! yessssir. from ear to ear