Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bang Bang

damn what a break its been. working at the dshop again. Thanks to jeff and ter for hanging out. like the good old days huh. snowboarding has been amazing, awesome start for the season. i already made up my season pass! i need my fix so link and i are about to hit up mt. high for some blackout date boarding. started sipping on henny, its not as bad anymore haha. went to TGIF in fullerton w/ euni and met up with a lot of old co-workers. Euni - thanks for the gifts!, i'll totally use the earmuffs when we go to bigbear hahahaha. and the hair clips. =). um yeah nothing new really. CONGRATS to Jan for finishing school. damn i wish i could say that. time to nap/x-mas shop. adios!

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