Sunday, May 11, 2008

Club M

FUCK MOSUN. wouldn't let us eat. We waited for 2 fucking hours. Ate at Taco Loco haha.

First of all, Thank YOU to everyone that came out that night. I know it was a far drive but I am so glad you guys came to celebrate my birthday with me. We shut that club DOWN. haha I drank way too much but still remember everything. Danced the night away. There were so many people that showed up, Moval + Fullerton + Irvine rolled through. DANCE DRANK DANCE DRANK, the theme of the night really. It was the best birthday i've ever had. Everyone had fun i hoped. around 10 or so patron shots, mix drinks, beers, bleh too much but i remember everything. yay for 22!

1 comment:

jean patrice said...

YAAAAAAAAAY 22 is the new 21 lol. we're grown folks thats why lmao