Wednesday, July 16, 2008


First of all I am going to put Steph on blast on saying that she hates reading my blog cause most of the post are one sentence long, so im going to try to make this one giant run on sentence for her or else she will get mad at me and she beats me, physically attacks me, everyone be scared; she will even be mad that i am putting her on blast and when i link this to her over AIM or ichat as she uses (WEAK SON!) shes going to get angry or just start laughing. haha

Disney California Adventure! I <3 that place. It doesn't have the classic feel of Disneyland but its so much fun. The new Toy Story game beats any shooting game, destroys Buzz Lightyear! NO MERCY!!!!!!! haha i am using a lot of exclamation points cause i am that excited about that place. Hollywood Tower of Terror was freaking awesome too. I was actually a bit nervous from anticipation. The other rides were so-so. Ate, drank lots, and did a whole bunch of walking. Electrical parade was pretty cool, so many lights, flash backs i swear haha. super tired and my feet hurt but all in all, it was a great day. =)

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