Wednesday, November 14, 2007


haven't updated in a while. nothing really to update. it was actually nice spending friday-tuesday in moval. hung out with the usual gang. kicked back and chilled. it was nice to see steph C and marc at paul's party. i haven't hung out with them in a long time, even though marc and i are roomies. haha. congrats to paul for getting his masters. i was stuck beyond belief chillen with the fire pit and the bandanna keeping my face warm. that was pretty much the weekend. my truck is out of commission due to wheel bearings being fucked. its out for about a week. sucks not having a car. skated to school on monday. driving the mr2 again. school is blah, nothing real exciting, chemistry midterm friday then VEGAS! steph and i are going to set it off there. then 1 whole week of school off! fuck yeah. catch everyone later.

oh yeah BJs with the guys was fun. haha nice to hang with raffy and jan, the 2 guys closest to being done with school. good stuff. marvin, the same always cracking jokes. haha.