Monday, January 28, 2008

week 2 day 1

What a horrible weekend it was. I couldn't even go snowboarding because I was bed ridden from a damn virus. I am going to murder who ever gave it to me, and I know who it was too! hahah I am just kidding, I would never. Not being able to board with my friends dampen my spirits a bit but its all good, just something to look forward even more this coming Sunday. Yeah Saturday I was sweating the pacific ocean. At least I am getting better, I hope. I haven't been that sick since like the black plague era.

Second week of school started. Parking is still horrible, but good think I come early so I don't have to deal with that mess. I am starting to get back into the groove of doing homework between breaks and such. Time to hit up Starbucks after class again. Time to come to school a couple hours before class just to do homework. I told myself no late night procrastinations this semester. I am trying to reduce the amount of stress as much as possible. I am trying to be organized, spreading all my work through the day. I want to manage my time more responsibly, instead of spending countless hours in front of the tube with Tim Allen and Home Improvement, Man Vs. Wild, and all those other shows I usually watch. Blogging doesn't count since its more of therapeutic , so really its a way of me releasing stress. Until the next blog...


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Update, Go Titans!

Damn I haven't written on this blog in such a long time! Well there hasn't been anything to write about really. Only thing thats happen after new years is boarding with the guys like every other day and with Euni like twice haha. I swear we'll go up more!

Anyways school started. I am taking Calculus, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Bio-Genetics. I have a lab every day again which sucks. I am kinda regretting taking 3 science courses and calculus. I am going to be buried under so much work its going to be hectic. I don't really see anyone at school, which is sad. I am getting sick which sucks, theres no way I can miss any school days. My classes seem pretty chill right now too. Bio Lab seems like a lot of fun, the TA is really chill. He claims to be a master of BSing things, but I'll put that to the test. Um I ate like a million pounds of bread on the first day of class, Panera then Le Diplomat, lol thanks Euni! =)

Tomorrow is the end of the first school week. I am actually glad school started, gives me something to do and I am going to admit that I actually like school. Well I like being challenged. Anyways I actually can't wait to get back to moval. even though I know I won't be doing anything over the weekend, I miss it there. I miss my family already. I miss my friends, VALLEY VIEW! haha.

Snowboard on Sunday. This season has been amazing so far, I've never had sooo much fun. A great way to start releasing the stress that school brings on. I wish you could come up, maybe next time.

I am going to keep updating this often since school is in session. Also I am trying to type as proper as I can since I can get pretty lazy. I am an awesome writer, so I might as well use it.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

hello 08

recap of the last week or so.....
Silk - shit was so much fun. pre-party for marites' birthday. everyone was there yet it wasn't too crowded. introduced everyone to X-rated and sprite haha. had my usual jack n COKE and henny shots. too bad it ended at 2, party was just starting to peak!
12/30. - only slept for 2 hours, ter and i headed to vegas! Stayed in the Venetian, which was chill. JET was on the top of the dome for tonight! started it off at Ricky's suite in the Palms. We had that moet, henny, vodka, jack n coke, you know the normal shit. candy was good...JET was incredible. finally the trance room was the main room. I was there all night, til about 3:30. everyone left at 1 or so. i guess so-cal kids are use to leaving by 2. haha not i. didn't walk into my room til about 6, didn't wake up til 6pm haha.
12/31 - Happy Birthday Marites! chilled at the RIO the majority of the night. iCandy bar was chill. fucking freezing on the strip watching fire works haha. called it a night.
1/1 - Happy New Years. Resolution this year - stick with diet coke.
until the next update, adios!