Monday, January 28, 2008

week 2 day 1

What a horrible weekend it was. I couldn't even go snowboarding because I was bed ridden from a damn virus. I am going to murder who ever gave it to me, and I know who it was too! hahah I am just kidding, I would never. Not being able to board with my friends dampen my spirits a bit but its all good, just something to look forward even more this coming Sunday. Yeah Saturday I was sweating the pacific ocean. At least I am getting better, I hope. I haven't been that sick since like the black plague era.

Second week of school started. Parking is still horrible, but good think I come early so I don't have to deal with that mess. I am starting to get back into the groove of doing homework between breaks and such. Time to hit up Starbucks after class again. Time to come to school a couple hours before class just to do homework. I told myself no late night procrastinations this semester. I am trying to reduce the amount of stress as much as possible. I am trying to be organized, spreading all my work through the day. I want to manage my time more responsibly, instead of spending countless hours in front of the tube with Tim Allen and Home Improvement, Man Vs. Wild, and all those other shows I usually watch. Blogging doesn't count since its more of therapeutic , so really its a way of me releasing stress. Until the next blog...


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