Thursday, January 24, 2008

Update, Go Titans!

Damn I haven't written on this blog in such a long time! Well there hasn't been anything to write about really. Only thing thats happen after new years is boarding with the guys like every other day and with Euni like twice haha. I swear we'll go up more!

Anyways school started. I am taking Calculus, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Bio-Genetics. I have a lab every day again which sucks. I am kinda regretting taking 3 science courses and calculus. I am going to be buried under so much work its going to be hectic. I don't really see anyone at school, which is sad. I am getting sick which sucks, theres no way I can miss any school days. My classes seem pretty chill right now too. Bio Lab seems like a lot of fun, the TA is really chill. He claims to be a master of BSing things, but I'll put that to the test. Um I ate like a million pounds of bread on the first day of class, Panera then Le Diplomat, lol thanks Euni! =)

Tomorrow is the end of the first school week. I am actually glad school started, gives me something to do and I am going to admit that I actually like school. Well I like being challenged. Anyways I actually can't wait to get back to moval. even though I know I won't be doing anything over the weekend, I miss it there. I miss my family already. I miss my friends, VALLEY VIEW! haha.

Snowboard on Sunday. This season has been amazing so far, I've never had sooo much fun. A great way to start releasing the stress that school brings on. I wish you could come up, maybe next time.

I am going to keep updating this often since school is in session. Also I am trying to type as proper as I can since I can get pretty lazy. I am an awesome writer, so I might as well use it.


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