Sunday, March 9, 2008

Act Your Age, Not Your Shoe Size and maybe...

Why is it when I am just chillen, enjoying the night, people trying to have a serious conversation? Could it be that I am not drunk like them, fueled by alcohol, that I don't feel like talking? I am all for serious conversation, but not when I am trying to have a good time, bringing me down with drunk talk. Leave me be in peace, for reals. I grew out of that stage of being drunk off my ass, where all my respect for self and others drowned out with alcohol, so long ago. I guess GROW UP, shits not high school anymore. Anyways let me re-cap the weekend.

Thursday - Jan convinced me to go to DTF to hang with him and a couple nurses. Crazy ass nurses haha. It was pretty fun, got home at 2, did some homework then called it a night

Friday - In the morning I woke up to Jan whispering to me to get breakfast burritos. We went to Pepe's, best ever with light beans! Went back to moval. DLed so much music and made another mix haha. Ended up at Raffy's birthday party or whatever it was. I watched people get hurt on the trampoline which made my night. Watching fools drink like that, completely turn me away from drinking.

Saturday - Steph and I took an outing to LA. "to live and die in LA" . It was pretty random actually. The plan was to go to AA so I can return/exchange/come up on some shirts. I ended finding a super awesome/special spot that made me like laugh out loud for like 5 minutes. It was an good feeling. Ended up getting lost in LA, but whatevers we had fun. Ikea was next on the list haha. Rode my bike home from long beach super quick to go get jan and link to go to DnB @ The Block. It was whatevers. Plans were to go to Vanguard, but BS, BS! whatevers I am over it. Ended the night at Links house, watched Flight of the Phoenix and ate some bomb noodles.


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