Thursday, February 28, 2008


So I figured out what kind of work I want done. I told a select few what I want just for their opinion. I'll show it to people when I get it done.

I am all about randomness, spontaneous events. Today Steph, my CF my sister, tells me that its only 131 one way to fly to London. So being the people we are, our minds starts wandering. We were probably 2 minutes away from booking the trip, if it wasn't for the fact fucking 9/11 fee that added an extra 200 to the ticket. If I was working, we'd be fucking packing our bags right now. It would have went down for spring break. I'm a little sad we are not going, but you know what, we'll be there soon.

-me, from Fullerton, CA, USA, North America(this time)

Sunday, February 24, 2008


So this weekend, I attended Link's grandfather's funeral. RIP Grandpa Traymany. During the entire ceremony, I was just had time to reflect. This is by no means a suicidal thought or I am not even near depression or anything. If I was to die tomorrow, woul I have been satisfied with the life i lived? Thats all I thought about. Well the majority of the time that was going through my head. I tell myself all the time I don't want to live with any regrets, I don't want to dwell on the past and think about the "what ifs" in my life. This is old, but everything does happen for a reason. I thought long and hard about my life. I have made some horribly stupid ass decisions that started digging my grave, but you know what I made those choices. I am sorry I did what I did, but there is no way I can do anything about them now. The only person I am really apologizing to is myself, I let myself down each time I did what I did. Sometimes you just have to say sorry to yourself I guess. I am also sorry to those I hurt because of my actions. I am greatful for those that cared about what I did, they stepped up and told me whats up. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Its friends like those that get me through my hard times, and the ones I hold closest. I am satisfied with how I have been living my life. I do everything to my full potential, never holding back. My main motivation for what I do is, whatever makes me happy, I am there. How can something that makes you happy be wrong, right? People might not be happy with what I do, or not understand it, all I can say is that it is in good fun. I am trying to live out my 20s as much as I can, before the "real world" takes over. That does not mean I am trying to party everyday, get drunk and fucked up or anything like that. I am just trying to have a good time with my friends and family. Well really, my friends become family to me. So really, to cliffnote this nonsense of letters, I am happy of how my life has turned out, my accomplishes, and my failures that really helped me learn a little more about myself. The other thought running in my head was, I wonder who would come to my funeral. That shit is another blog all on its own as this is getting long.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

pt. 3

i am updating for the weekend. nothing to do so i might as well blog. So i thought i was going to get fish tacos with jan, but nope. We ended up eating at his house, salmon and rice. It was good. Went to the mall with Jan and Ter. Well really, it was just H&M. Had to get a black shirt for tomorrow. Ending up getting a sweater, jeans, and a black shirt. Ter got jealous cause jan and i shared a cinnibun, and he had no one to share it with. Lately Fridays, I've been with Jan a lot. Its all good. Ended up going to Wahoos in norco. Picked up Jen along the way. After eating, we all headed over to Link's uncle's house to hang with link a bit and to see how he is doing. Chilled for a bit then headed home. Bored once again. until the next update...

Friday, February 22, 2008

pt. 2

last night was pretty random. migs marc and rae were suppose to go to bar 330, aka azn town. Stuff happened and they ended up chilling at the apt with me. If i was to go, i would have been DD. They ended up drinking at D20. I had like 2 beers if that, alcohol is blah to me kind of now. Had some funny ass talks about nothing. Marc had a grape swisher, oh that smell brought back memories. Ask me about it later ha. Knocked out around 1.

Its raining like all week. That means there is so much snow at bear. I wish I could go, I haven't been in like a month now. Its all good. I'd go this Sunday, but Saturday I'm going to a funeral, and my friend needs me so yeah thats where I'll be.

Roads will be super slippery. Stupid ass freeway drivers don't know how to drive in the rain. Everyone drive safe this weekend, please please.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

and so it starts

So the week is almost over. Finally right! Woke up super early today, just to get a breakfast burrito with my friend. NEVER AGAIN! will i wake up that early hahaha. it was pretty early, but honestly it was super nice to eat breakfast for once, with good company too. Had a physics midterm today as well, went good. Happy Birthday Euni! We had lunch at nordstroms, haven't ate there in a while, finished off with a cookie, most amazing cookie ever. Took a crazy 2 hour nap. Ate dinner with Migs, Marc and Rae. pretty much my day summed up in a paragraph.

Pepe's Breakfast burrito - no beans ! best ever

Sunday, February 17, 2008

chill zone pt. 2

Boring ass week. I got my truck broken into. My indash and my ipod got jacked. Let me tell you it fucking sucks not having music. I got my ipod shuffle (thanks again) but its not the same. I go crazy driving my truck since I don't have any beats. Whatever I am getting a new deck, new ipod, new phone, and hopefully a system as well. HAHA to whoever stole it, it won't even work cause they never took the control unit, clowns.

Friday, Jeff Lainie, Ter and I headed out to the chill zone. Had to introduce Jeff and Lainie to it. We payed 30 for parking, a huge fucking rip off but whatever. It was so much fun. We had a little little to ease the tension in the car on the drive up there. Smoking patio was chill but the main room was where it was at. Oldies/HipHop/Smash early into the night. Round 2 started off at around 12:30. Thats when they played the trance/house. OMFG haha. Danced from like 1-3 straight. We would have stayed longer except we all ran out of cigs and they turned on the house lights ahaha.

The drive home was super chill. Even though I missed the exit, it was a good drive. Chit Chatted until like 7am. We were that close to watching the sun rise, except none of us wanted too. We wanted to sleep HAHA. Last night was good, just slept and talked.

Good fucking times. Repeat is in order.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

fuck it

That's the motto pretty much. No one gets you except your true friends and family. People are fake in general. They are always trying to do shit that benefits them. Unlike them, your true friends has your back. They look out for you. They understand your actions, even though they might not agree with it, they still support you. Friends will know when something is up and tell you they don't like it, or you need to quit what you are doing. This all came to Ter and I as our drive home from Hollywood. See it was just the 2 of us, but we had an amazing time. We always make the best of what we have. That's life in general, make the best of what you have, not trying to wish you had something else. All you will do is just wish for dreams/hopes/miracles, that is not going to happen unless you put effort into making it happen. Our night in Hollywood turned EPIC, everything was going our way. We were taking whatever comes our way. Thats what we do. Even though it was the 2 of us, we met up with 2 girls and just chilled all night. We are not going to sit there wishing person X or person Y came, fuck it. If they didn't come, they missed out. To those that missed out, sorry for you guys, you missed out on a crazy fun filled night
