Sunday, February 17, 2008

chill zone pt. 2

Boring ass week. I got my truck broken into. My indash and my ipod got jacked. Let me tell you it fucking sucks not having music. I got my ipod shuffle (thanks again) but its not the same. I go crazy driving my truck since I don't have any beats. Whatever I am getting a new deck, new ipod, new phone, and hopefully a system as well. HAHA to whoever stole it, it won't even work cause they never took the control unit, clowns.

Friday, Jeff Lainie, Ter and I headed out to the chill zone. Had to introduce Jeff and Lainie to it. We payed 30 for parking, a huge fucking rip off but whatever. It was so much fun. We had a little little to ease the tension in the car on the drive up there. Smoking patio was chill but the main room was where it was at. Oldies/HipHop/Smash early into the night. Round 2 started off at around 12:30. Thats when they played the trance/house. OMFG haha. Danced from like 1-3 straight. We would have stayed longer except we all ran out of cigs and they turned on the house lights ahaha.

The drive home was super chill. Even though I missed the exit, it was a good drive. Chit Chatted until like 7am. We were that close to watching the sun rise, except none of us wanted too. We wanted to sleep HAHA. Last night was good, just slept and talked.

Good fucking times. Repeat is in order.

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