Monday, October 15, 2007

the difference between medicine and poison is in the dosage

its early and its foggy at school. just got done with chem hw and reading. i don't feel like walking back to my car to get my bio lab notebook to do all my lab reports. procrastination sucks big ones. oh well its what i deserve. damn talking to jan about whistler gets me all hyped. im glad he is going. another one of my bros are coming. ME TER LINK JAN ROM. jan takes care of all angles in the "just in case" theories, which is always good. rommel isn't allowed to drive, we are trying to get up there. lol. more details in later blogs for sure. ttyl time to go to class.

this week is going to be so stressful, 2 lab reports, 2 midterms next monday. lots of hw. but i have a feeling its going to be an amazing week. i'll make it an amazing week.


1 comment:

Rommel said...

wow...thanks for not letting me drive...