Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I Didn't say i was powerful, i said i was a wizard

what a day today was. i woke up at 4am to a tree crashing. it got uprooted. im talking like a big ass 20-30ft. tree. crazy. it blocked the entire street. haha i thought to myself that i couldn't go to school cause a tree blocked my street. I was at school from 7:30-5:30. 1 midterm down 1 to go on wednesday. i have so much studying to do its wild. benh steph and i went to starbucks from 8-12midnight. most of the time i was studying, except for when benh caught me on myspace. ahah. today i went to go eat thai food with euni with is always a good treat. pretty productive day i might say.

off to bed. long day of studying ahead of me. adios

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