Sunday, October 7, 2007


what a weekend. 2-4 hours of sleep everynight to wake up at 4am to go work at the dshop. I don't know how my mom does it everyday, its crazy. I got so many comments saying how much i look like my mom, i lost count. haha. After work took a 2-3 hour nap haha. woke up an did nothing. Ter and I went to Nebraska, haha more like Riverside Plaza to eat. We watched a talent show thing for kids while i was eating. Girls like 10-15 were singing Fergie songs. it was wierd. spend hours at the bookstore. chilled with jeff and lainie. Link came along later haha. We all went to melissa's house for liz and renee's birthday party thing. stayed for like 20 minutes, it was cold as fuck. I notice that i spend my weekends with link ter and rommel. Totally fine with me, just good company. At times Jeff and Lainie will be there too. Usually sitting around doing shit but im with good people at least. now i am back in fullerton, preparing for the school week ahead of me.

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