Friday, October 5, 2007

results from streets

FUCK, im still hyped. i was super windy and cold as a mother but just awesome. One of the best times in my life. Vadd Tuoi Musky Jose Jessie Robert and myself had the time of our lives. Big ups to everyone who dragged knee. i couldn't get it, was too focused on trying to be smooth so i never tried to but my knee down. i did get low though. I had the pleasure of meeting some awesome people and really good instructors. We put on about 80miles of HARD track miles on our bikes today. Topped out 3rd gear, over 100 for sure since i taped up my speedometer i couldn't tell. Its an unexplainable feeling going 100+mph dropping in for a turn and slowing down to 50ish in a heart beat to get low to the ground. Its just an amazing feeling. Even though i wasn't the fastest in the class, I wasn't the slowest. It was really how i could progress through out the day, and i saw results. I am happy with myself and how i did. I am really considering making my bike strictly a track bike. Riding all out on the track is so much more fun and carefree than having to deal with all the obstacles on the road. we'll see how that goes though. super tired(only 2 hours of sleep) and super sore but so well worth it! i can't wait for the next one

1 comment:

Marc said...

congrats on a sick day fam! i wanna roll next time!