Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Pumpkin Ale

Once again i find myself drinking with marc on a random night. We decided to get Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale, just to try something new. not too bad except a strong after taste. We watched Knocked Up with mikey except he crashed early. fuck it was all good until the end where the baby was coming out. I honestly didn't think i'd see that until my future wife or whoever was having a baby. destroyed my beer appetite. haha

long ass day at school. shit happened. the usual. HAHA during lab, my partner threatened me that she was going to give me a tear drop with an inoculating needle haha. then we went to eat after lab @ paneras, which was really good.


p.s. im sore as fuck still and my forearm is straight up purple haha

1 comment:

Marc said...

pumpkin ale all day!