Thursday, October 18, 2007

She's Hearing Voices

so last night i took the marc special, double the dosage of Nyquil. haha it knocked me the fuck out. i woke up this morning fucking scared i missed class, but it was only 7:30. i am developing quite a cold. i hate this. everyone in my class was getting sick except me, now its caught up with me. oh well, an excuse to get more pho lol. went to Pho Lemongrass last night, so so good lol. i missed Brians but it was alright as i got some studying done. now i have to cram a lab report, study for Chem exam on monday and a Bio midterm on wednesday. crap there goes the weekend.

see you guys in moval

1 comment:

Rommel said...

what happens if you take a shot of niquil and dayquil at the same time?