Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bang Bang

damn what a break its been. working at the dshop again. Thanks to jeff and ter for hanging out. like the good old days huh. snowboarding has been amazing, awesome start for the season. i already made up my season pass! i need my fix so link and i are about to hit up mt. high for some blackout date boarding. started sipping on henny, its not as bad anymore haha. went to TGIF in fullerton w/ euni and met up with a lot of old co-workers. Euni - thanks for the gifts!, i'll totally use the earmuffs when we go to bigbear hahahaha. and the hair clips. =). um yeah nothing new really. CONGRATS to Jan for finishing school. damn i wish i could say that. time to nap/x-mas shop. adios!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


finally on winter break! my mom is in cambodia for 2 weeks so im running the shop again. 4:30am-12. dizdamn! sall good my mom deserves it. I guess im over it finally. i looked through old pictures and just smiled. it doesn't sadden me or anything. things happen for a reason so something will happen, if it didn't already =). yeah. totally looking forward to what happens next, spring semester. trying to get the that volunteer/intern in Newport. yes time to grow up. its going to suck working for nothing but it'll pay off eventually.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


all week long. damn. its all good. don't go to hooters. haha. wings are so so and its pricey for weak ass food. add that to the list jeff and lainie. hahaha. typical blue collar joint. but i guess sex appeal sells. even though they are whatevers too. but i did get 10 free wings. so beer and wings i guess will be alright. last week of schoooool =X. im happy cause i always pull through at the end, the clincher. haven't been hitting the books like my nig raffy but still im on top of it, all day every day. hmmmm i still need to go to disneyland.

excited as fuck about this huge snow storm. all weekend long. im going up 4 times in the next week. yezzir! time to get those noseslides planted yadig!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


what isn't there to smile about. school is about to be done. even though final week is hectic, its what makes it much more fun to ace the finals. im always around good company. had some cactus cooler soju, sooooooooooo good =)!!! haha. holidays are coming up soon. more time with the family and friends. snowboarding season is in full effect! i thought it was going to be a bad holiday season, but nope. its going to be great! yessssir. from ear to ear

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Thanks to everyone. My mom first and foremost for dealing with me and all my shit. i am one difficult ass son. My family because they are always there for me, believes in me, and no matter what has my back. My bros i grew up with. they are brothers to me. Always there no matter what, thanks for just being my bros. CF motherfucken STEPH, for being my sister! unstoppable team right there. The girls in my life that matter, thanks. Thanks to my friends for being my friends and helping me grow. anyone who has made an impact on my life, positive or even negative, thanks, its all a learning experience. now FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY EAT TURKEY ya DIG?!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

totally relaxed

so today i went on a ride with vadd and ivan. We started in Banning -> Idlywild -> Palm Desert ->Hemet ->home. haha most random places ever. logged a good 110+ miles of fun, not including the drive to get to the base of the mountain. damn it was so relaxing just riding. no real words really but its the best feeling, just to get away from everything, school, stress, shit. no music, no talking nothing, just me humming whatever was in my head. trying to get lower and lower to kiss the ground. i seriously can't wait for the next track day. march seems forever!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Why i quit drinking

VIVA LAS VEGAS! what an eventful night! i love vegas. i love the people i was with even more. we make the best of everything.
cliffnotes of the weekend.
Night 1 - nothing happened, steph and i were way too tired after the drive. she didn't sleep much the night before and i had midterms that day so i spent my nights studying. hung out at some weakass bar. took off and went to bed. THE WALL hahah.
Day 2 - ate pho at Pho Hoa. tried to do some shopping but didn't buy anything. got cleaned out playing single deck blackjack, harrahs owes me 100. took a nap and got ready for the night.
Night 2 - Killed a bottle of Patron + beers + jager and more so. Happy Birthday to SHARON! welcome to the club! Got into JET for free, thanks Angie and Steph lolololol. met Kat and her friends, very fun =). liquid COKES and Patron all night. wandered around drunk as fuck having no idea where the fuck i was. thats why i hate drinking. ended up in the room somehow! haha
Final day - ate pho again. feeling like shit. drove home feeling like shit. got home and felt like shit still. gatorade and del taco did nothing! haha i can't wait for new years. VENETIAN!

sunday night - met up with rommel link and ter. did the usual business. missing 2 people but thats what this weekend is for.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


haven't updated in a while. nothing really to update. it was actually nice spending friday-tuesday in moval. hung out with the usual gang. kicked back and chilled. it was nice to see steph C and marc at paul's party. i haven't hung out with them in a long time, even though marc and i are roomies. haha. congrats to paul for getting his masters. i was stuck beyond belief chillen with the fire pit and the bandanna keeping my face warm. that was pretty much the weekend. my truck is out of commission due to wheel bearings being fucked. its out for about a week. sucks not having a car. skated to school on monday. driving the mr2 again. school is blah, nothing real exciting, chemistry midterm friday then VEGAS! steph and i are going to set it off there. then 1 whole week of school off! fuck yeah. catch everyone later.

oh yeah BJs with the guys was fun. haha nice to hang with raffy and jan, the 2 guys closest to being done with school. good stuff. marvin, the same always cracking jokes. haha.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

kinetics of bleaching of methyl orange

i am on the 4th floor of the library, doing my lab report for chem. well not really cause im blogging haha. I register for spring semester today at 1. so far i am taking physics, organic chem, genetics, and calculus. weak. i won't have a life. i just talked to jan about how we don't have summer or winter breaks. it sucks but thats what it takes to be a student in the medical field. i am going to apply to med school if my gpa is high enough. im at like a 3.2 right now and i want to be at a 3.8. i have lots of classes left so there is a good chance i will raise it. actually i AM going to raise it. crazy as a kid it was a dream to go to med school, as a teenager i refused the medical field cause i thought it wasn't for me. now im considering applying, getting MCAT and PCAT books to study already. thats like at least an additional 4 years of school. fuck im going to be old as a rock when im done. its all good cause i'll be like House. I am doing it for myself cause i don't want to regret it later and be like "fuck what if i went to med school instead blah blah blah." i don't want to live with any regrets. guessing its like a test, what can i do, where can i go with my life. all that good stuff. its actually time for class and this blog is getting long. Dr. Tan or Doctor of Pharmacy Tan? either sounds good.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

a whale fell on my neck

my body is killing me. i got kicked in the face from a crowd surfer, i swear a whale of a girl landed on my neck. discovered that i have a phobia of fat girls. lol. not really but i can't stand/have a big girl rub up on my arm. its kinda gross. anyways its was a decent concert. scary kids scaring kids let me down a bit. only had a 20 minute set. the lead singers mic kept fucking up. and they didn't even play snake devil. Chiodos rocked like always. won't go to soma again though. i don't really dig the scene there. glass house rocks so much more. i'll give a real update soon.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

recap of the past and a look into the future

10/31 - pretty much a good day. after class i went straight to moval. threw my levers and windscreen on my bike. vadd and i went up to the 18 after throwing on my parts. i was in a groove going up the 18 until i see a bitch ass SUV cop. killed my mood so we just went back home. napped, talked with my mom until marites bbq. it was real nice. good food, good company. haha i saw people i haven't seen in a long time, such as Long, Tham, Amy, and Peter. the 7 year club was complete. haha jk guys. it was an awesome time really. relaxing, stress free and just a good time in general. kicked back a couple beers, nothing major. drove home.

11/1. another school day. nothing new. haha i was trying to study and the school decides to have a fucking test evacuation. WHY NOT DO IT WHEN IM IN CLASS?! whatevers. i end up chilling for like 30 minutes until im able to go back to my studies. didn't realize there were that many people that went to school at that time. finished my lab stuff an hour early so that was real nice.

so im online and me and ter just made plans to go to a couple of concerts. 11/3 is CHIODOS and SCARY KIDS SCARING KIDS! OMFG im so excited! the devil wears prada will be there so its going to be dope too. 11/10 is fucking CIRCA SURVIVE! haha man this month is going to be awesome. both concerts will cost ter and i less than 40 each. ter and i berely just saw chiodos and it was an amazing time. so a repeat is a must. now if i can only met a chick that gets down like ter and i lol.

off topic - i am actually going to give up drinking until i go to whistler. like jeff said "alcohol is overrated". no real reason, i haven't really drank for a while now so its whatevers, im not missing anything really. my choice actually, plus im going on a diet so beers are just empty carbs anways. also as of sunday i'll stop smoking cigs. or at least my an attempt at giving it up.size 0 here i come.

fuck this is a long ass blog. had to make up for the lack of updates.

Monday, October 29, 2007

BOOO Halloween

so i haven't blogged in a while. Halloween weekend was pretty weak. haha. was around the same people. ter and i had so many things to do saturday night that we ended up doing nothing. hahaha. we were about to go to monster massive until we had some sour diesels, and that left us stuck haha. watched american gangster, everyone go watch it in theaters, Frank is cut throat. short ass blog cause i feel pretty shitty. i'll do a legit one later

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

cigs and coffee

its only 10:30 and im tired already. i woke up tired. i've been spending the last 3 days studying, at least 3 hours straight. its paying off so far cause i got a B on my chem midterm. haha finally right. my bio midterm is stressing me out, im so nervous. i've never really felt nervous before a test. well theres a first for everything. i just found out theres no classes offered during winter intersession for me to take so im going boarding all winter. haha. season pass here i come. on a nice note, talking to my friends back in moval calms me down. which is really nice. midterm is at 1 so i got a good amount of time to study. im going to knock out right after lab haha. damn i have lab. this will all pay off soon. not soon enough i think sometimes, but victory is going to taste so sweet.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I Didn't say i was powerful, i said i was a wizard

what a day today was. i woke up at 4am to a tree crashing. it got uprooted. im talking like a big ass 20-30ft. tree. crazy. it blocked the entire street. haha i thought to myself that i couldn't go to school cause a tree blocked my street. I was at school from 7:30-5:30. 1 midterm down 1 to go on wednesday. i have so much studying to do its wild. benh steph and i went to starbucks from 8-12midnight. most of the time i was studying, except for when benh caught me on myspace. ahah. today i went to go eat thai food with euni with is always a good treat. pretty productive day i might say.

off to bed. long day of studying ahead of me. adios

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bandana on the right

all weekend long i was with : Ter Link Rommel Jan Jeff and Lainie. what i like to call good company. we just chilled at jans house doing what we always do. good conversations, jan pulling the "W" card on rommel. Raffy and marvin were there day 1 which was pretty funny.haha jen and i were waiting for jan to laugh with us, but it never came. watched 30 days of Night, decent movie. everyone was getting MINGED haha. it was chilled. almost went to a costume party but i stayed at jan with link. haha jeff and lainie came back. all good. ate cold pizza, and a big ass bag of trail mix.

currently waiting for my study group at the library at school. wtf am i do here? damn school is getting to me. 2 mid terms this week plus my open discovery lab. im already looking forward to the next weekend to be with good company.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

See you in the shallows

so im at starbucks in brea studying with raffy, benh, and steph d. pretty productive night as i made dinner for my roomies then came out here at 8:30. its been straight studying except that raffy keeps trying to talk to me (LOL JK RAFFY!). its been awhile since a cig break but they are about to close up so im waiting for that.

Talked with marites over AIM since i am on corner bakery's wifi. it was a nice talk. kinda touched the heart. made me miss a lot of things. sucks we have to grow older. I miss our annual family winter trips the most, where we would just go snowboard for days on ends. the drive there was half the fun as it was a bonding experience for all of us. we grew closer and closer ever mile, every gas station stop, each breakfast, lunch, and dinner. trips always consisted of me, marites, vadd, chay, and john. i guess with me being far away from them, i feel like i've lost that connection. its just an illusion cause its always there. theres nothing that could break what we all have together. The trips are just on standby while i finish school, marites and vadd get settled with life. Chay just started RCC and i know he is doing good, which makes me proud of him even more. John is about to become the next iron chef. I've never been so proud of those two in my life. Once we all get our lives together, where we want to be at, our trips will resume. Family is always there behind me no matter how far i am. i love that. I can only hope that once we are older, we can include my little cousins kristine, martha, and edward on our trips. The trips will be annual once again, spending those 7 or so days together suck in a car/cabin, nothing but quality time and love for one another. i can't wait for it.

She's Hearing Voices

so last night i took the marc special, double the dosage of Nyquil. haha it knocked me the fuck out. i woke up this morning fucking scared i missed class, but it was only 7:30. i am developing quite a cold. i hate this. everyone in my class was getting sick except me, now its caught up with me. oh well, an excuse to get more pho lol. went to Pho Lemongrass last night, so so good lol. i missed Brians but it was alright as i got some studying done. now i have to cram a lab report, study for Chem exam on monday and a Bio midterm on wednesday. crap there goes the weekend.

see you guys in moval

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Handguns and second chances

so this is the only week i haven't felt pressed for time. i know exactly what benh is talking about in her latest blog. i've been on top of my shit finally. finally started to pick up my slack, getting myself out of the rut i was in. sun shining and all that good shit. im a little sad i can't go to Brians tonight cause i need to study. sad but im happy im actually going to go study. crazy. i was trying to write this earlier when i got to school but it started to sprinkle and i had to get inside. lol

whistler is getting closer and closer. i can feel the exciting starting to build. being in snow, actually real snow, none of this man made shit. and they got cafes in canada. not coffee cafes if you know what i mean

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

bury your head

pretty productive day. all caught up with math hw. did a lot of my chem lab report. i even finished the graphs for my next lab after this current one is due. its getting cold right now and im getting psyched. winter is slowing making her damn way here. well whatevers cause i'll be in OR and Canada during winter. i was making my schedule for spring. what a hectic semester thats going to be. crazy. but you know, i can't wait for the challenge.

this week is going nicely, plus i got buy one get one free for lights so im pretty happy about that. haha

Monday, October 15, 2007

the difference between medicine and poison is in the dosage

its early and its foggy at school. just got done with chem hw and reading. i don't feel like walking back to my car to get my bio lab notebook to do all my lab reports. procrastination sucks big ones. oh well its what i deserve. damn talking to jan about whistler gets me all hyped. im glad he is going. another one of my bros are coming. ME TER LINK JAN ROM. jan takes care of all angles in the "just in case" theories, which is always good. rommel isn't allowed to drive, we are trying to get up there. lol. more details in later blogs for sure. ttyl time to go to class.

this week is going to be so stressful, 2 lab reports, 2 midterms next monday. lots of hw. but i have a feeling its going to be an amazing week. i'll make it an amazing week.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

cold cash and colder hearts

fun ass weekend. actually really chill. we jumped jan into our whistler group. he put up a fight but link held him down. its going to me so much fun. im looking at hotels and shit right now. just hanging out with mountain view with jeff and lainie is perfectly fine with me. PANTHERS! we grow closer and closer all the time and im happy who is there. had some weak shit happen but thats all it was, bull. in the end "Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes." and i do mean it. time to sleep cause i have to be up for school.

mentally preparing for this school week ahead of me.

long weekend

chilled at Cs place last night, i haven't been there in a while. went to steph's day.not a drop of alcohol for it was really chill. literally. i was freezing all night, haha thats what i get for wearing a thin ass v-neck sweater. hung out with good people. haha ended up playing horse. good fun. drove all the way deeper into perris for dennys that we didn't even end up eating. until next weekend.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

2 six shooters to be exact

what a night last night. just good fun. good fucking company. BJs was lots then sitting at jans doing shit was lots. seriously. when you got good friends, doing nothing can be lots of fun.

today is nothing but studying. hopefully something good happens

Thursday, October 11, 2007

stare at the sun

once again i am delaying my homework. i actually need to vent, and since everyone is either asleep or fucking 50 miles away, blogspot is my only escape right now. that and some lights. on a happy note, another successful Brians. ate some Jacks and let me tell you the breakfast jack hits the spot.

now the steam. damn i feel like im constantly running out of time. i have no real deadlines with anything yet i feel pressed for time. i am ok with time management but its a fucked up feeling. i feel like i don't wake up early enough even though today i don't have class till 11. i feel like i sleep too much, which sometimes i do. maybe i should just do speed. jk. lets see how this week ends.

also flooded with emotions and theres no way to get them out

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

is it worth it?

one last thing that just came into my head. why does it seem like i am always fighting for what i want. i know nothing is ever handed to you but fuck why is it so difficult. i am constantly fighting for xxx and yyy and zzz. is it worth fighting for? i have no idea. why do i fight? i have no clue either. i guess it is true that the best things in life are worth fighting for, but i won't know if its worth it until i get it. i hope its worth it. all this effort doesn't go to waste i hope. i can only hope right?

shitting out a lung

fuck i think i smoked too many cigs yesterday. my chest is fucking killing me. haha and i gotta go get another pack cause im all done. plus its BRIANS day so im forsure picking up a pack. whatever. its going to be a good day. i can feel it. no one fuck it up for me. haha. i wonder what we will do this weekend. my prediction: end up either at jeffs or links just kicking it. fine with me. talk about whistler and snowboarding all over again. haha.

to be continued, back to reading for bio

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


damn last night i went to sleep at 7 and i didn't wake up til 7 this morning. i feel good though. i didn't really sleep a lot last weekend so i guess i just needed to catch up on it. had a wild dream but can't tell if its a dream or an actual nightmare. whatevers theres no meaning behind anymore. i am at the library delaying my pre-cal homework. i actually can't wait til i head back to moval to go see my family, and friends ter rom link jeff lainie. need some good company around me. i don't see anyone else really so don't get offended. if you are there you are there.

back to school. its a love/hate relationship

Now playing: Lil Wayne - Dear Summer
via FoxyTunes

Monday, October 8, 2007

bio 172

sitting in class, talking to jeff and watching some dude next to me play metal slug. the girl on my left is sleeping. i'd be doing the same thing if it wasn't for my mac. we are talking about how cells are connected to eachother. fun shit. next i have lab for this class which should be just as fun.

sorry your fish are dying jeff. RIP for those who didn't make the struggle


haha some guy has his shared itune library as "no vaseline" haha.

at school

sitting at the tables with steph smoking a cig. shes drawing fruits and im blogging. been here since 7:30. some clown is on a trombone and he sucks. what a long day its going to be. glad i brought the mac to school haha.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


running blogs is hard work. plural.


what a weekend. 2-4 hours of sleep everynight to wake up at 4am to go work at the dshop. I don't know how my mom does it everyday, its crazy. I got so many comments saying how much i look like my mom, i lost count. haha. After work took a 2-3 hour nap haha. woke up an did nothing. Ter and I went to Nebraska, haha more like Riverside Plaza to eat. We watched a talent show thing for kids while i was eating. Girls like 10-15 were singing Fergie songs. it was wierd. spend hours at the bookstore. chilled with jeff and lainie. Link came along later haha. We all went to melissa's house for liz and renee's birthday party thing. stayed for like 20 minutes, it was cold as fuck. I notice that i spend my weekends with link ter and rommel. Totally fine with me, just good company. At times Jeff and Lainie will be there too. Usually sitting around doing shit but im with good people at least. now i am back in fullerton, preparing for the school week ahead of me.

Friday, October 5, 2007

results from streets

FUCK, im still hyped. i was super windy and cold as a mother but just awesome. One of the best times in my life. Vadd Tuoi Musky Jose Jessie Robert and myself had the time of our lives. Big ups to everyone who dragged knee. i couldn't get it, was too focused on trying to be smooth so i never tried to but my knee down. i did get low though. I had the pleasure of meeting some awesome people and really good instructors. We put on about 80miles of HARD track miles on our bikes today. Topped out 3rd gear, over 100 for sure since i taped up my speedometer i couldn't tell. Its an unexplainable feeling going 100+mph dropping in for a turn and slowing down to 50ish in a heart beat to get low to the ground. Its just an amazing feeling. Even though i wasn't the fastest in the class, I wasn't the slowest. It was really how i could progress through out the day, and i saw results. I am happy with myself and how i did. I am really considering making my bike strictly a track bike. Riding all out on the track is so much more fun and carefree than having to deal with all the obstacles on the road. we'll see how that goes though. super tired(only 2 hours of sleep) and super sore but so well worth it! i can't wait for the next one


fuck yeah in a few short hours, i'll be on my way to streets of willow, this time with my bike. had a blast in the mr2, now its on 2 wheels. I am super excited, like a kid going to disneyland, i can't sleep. haha. i hope i don't forget anything. long ass day of racing ahead of me. its going to kick so much ass


i would have posted this last night except i feel for Brian's trap. Good company once again, Marc and Migs. good talk about random shit. haha i hate you marc for making us drink HURRICANE HIGH GRAVITY....and for that picture haha. all good. woke up with that beer still lingering in my mouth, nasty. i cant wait til next week

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

what a day.

long day at school. steph saved my life when she came to school early. haha we walked around the entire campus talking shit. what we do best.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

cool kids

hung out with my classmates since we finished our lab last week. dollar tacos and dollar beers. pretty fun. different group than i usually hang out with but fuck it, it was chill. diversity right

Pumpkin Ale

Once again i find myself drinking with marc on a random night. We decided to get Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale, just to try something new. not too bad except a strong after taste. We watched Knocked Up with mikey except he crashed early. fuck it was all good until the end where the baby was coming out. I honestly didn't think i'd see that until my future wife or whoever was having a baby. destroyed my beer appetite. haha

long ass day at school. shit happened. the usual. HAHA during lab, my partner threatened me that she was going to give me a tear drop with an inoculating needle haha. then we went to eat after lab @ paneras, which was really good.


p.s. im sore as fuck still and my forearm is straight up purple haha

Monday, October 1, 2007

blind in the ear

CHIODOS! It nothing but greatness. Ter and i had the time of our lives! There was not one disappointment at all. All of the opening bands were great. We had cigs after each band. We met some funny ass kids who were drunk. haha. The Devil Wears Prada and Alesana rocked. Chiodos finally came on and it was fucking great. We rocked so hard we didn't care if we were in peoples' space. Lost our voices, lost our hearing but all worth it. I crowd surfed the last song and i got to shake Craig's hand. HIS FUCKING HAND! I don'care if it sounds gay, it was amazing. Also shook the guys on keys but i don't know his name. Ter found me at the last moment for the last song haha, we got separated with the crowd but still had an awesome time. It was just amazing thats all i can say. Glasshouse is my new favorite venue.

Ter and I are planning to go to at least 1 concert a month. Anyone is welcome to join us as long as you can fucking rock, i mean get down like theres no tomorrow.

Next up : Chiodos again with Scary Kids Scaring Kids. Then Circa Survive!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

worlds best friends

CHIODOS in 2 hours! I am already in pain and this concert is going to throw me over the top. its all worth it. going with Ter so we are about to rage out!

i won't bitch out and stay in the back, its the front or its home! i hope i can crowd surf today too. WOOOOHOOO!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


"Although named by the Portuguese, saudade is a universal feeling related to love. It occurs when two people are in love, but apart from each other. Saudade occurs when we are thinking of a person whom we love and we are happy about having that feeling while we are thinking of that person, but he/she is out of reach, making us sad and crushing our hearts. The pain and these mixed feelings are named saudade." - wiki


i feel like i've been hit by a car. im glad i had gear on and not in the hospital getting skin-graphs haha. no bueno at all

i <3 RAF

we are studying
Raffy (Autoreply)
home body

Hourt Tan
if you want, come to my house and i'll drive
areu in perris?

Hourt Tan
fuck yea i have no underwear =x

world of hurt

FUCK. i didn't think i can be this sore.haha my neck is stiff as fuck. my chest feels like i was benching 300lbs and my back hurts. damn you!

Friday, September 28, 2007

went down

hit up palomar canyons. fucking lowsided my bike. slid right under neath me @ around 50-60mph. bike ended up in a ditch on the side of the mountain. it was a good ride while it lasted. on the last run i had to go down

my entire right arm hurts esp. my forearm and knuckles. both of my knees feel sore. i know my bad will hurting like no other tomorrow. we'll see how i feel manana.

time to study with ter

motto of the night

mic and i are gone. we came up with "we can't die tonight". haha and its fucking true.

until tomorrow!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


just got out of chem lab. my partner nora and i rocked it so hard we finished the next lab work today. so we don't have to do shit tuesday! taco tuesday is the plan.

have a lot of hw but im going to chill with mic tonight.

THE OFFICE in an hour. and its fucking 1 hour long!

FUCK greys anatomy!

killing time

wasting away trying to push back this lab report. haha.

got my cell phone bill dropped to normal! stupid ass cingular/att whatever they are

ok back to studying

Now playing: Justice - D.A.N.C.E.
via FoxyTunes


waitng to get on the phone with att. they over charged my bill, by 200 dollars! haha they are playing house music while i am on hold.

long ass day today. staying in school all day cause of homework.

at least mic is coming over to chill tonight

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

monday tuesday brians thursday friday

here is a taste of what brians does to you

and i am sad i missed out


hell yeah, friday heading out to palomar with the gang to go riding for a couple hours.a couple of hours of freedom from school and life. finally something to look forward to from this crazy week.

time to break in the 1piece before streets of willow

back to studying

72 lights

chillen with a cig on my balcony. i hate that while i am chatting with ter on how hard it is to study that, and my cig goes out. fucking fire hazard cigs.

and i just heard marc say "thats messed up i am about to shower" hahahaha

school again

my roommates are all at Brians cause its Brians day and i am stuck at home because i need to do a lab report. DAMN you school! its ok im trying to say sober. detox.

but still 5 dollars 4 beers is so hard to stay away from!

i could be drunk blogging right now

sitting in class

4 for 4 on my quiz. damn lab test today!

got a free redbull from people passing them out.

fuck im addicted to blogging. damn you ter and marc


before i leave

so we've come to not even smiling at each other. wow. its fine.
what happened to saying hi at school?

Now playing: Uffie - First Love
via FoxyTunes


break before class. so fucking hungry but no real time to eat. at least nothing enjoyable.

still so tired and a massive headache is coming. i feel it


currently behind in my school work. fuck

study session all day today and tomorrow

no brians today =(

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


acoustic songs are so terribly good. so nice to listen to but it just brings a world of hurt

incubus - i miss you
thats is what just went on itunes.
