Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i miss...

my family, Valley VIEW!, and time. I miss the time where i can wake up and not worry about anything and just turn to my side and smile. even though it might not seem productive or using my time wisely, there is nothing i'd rather do than just lay in bed and just talk. talk like we used too. soon. although i am having fun and don't regret a thing i am doing now, everything has just taken a toll on me. i can't wait til that day comes.

Friday, November 14, 2008

save the date

june 28 20___. its going to be amazing <3

Friday, October 24, 2008


so this is pretty much the first weekend that I am without Luann. Call me whatever but it's a wierd feeling when the person you see everyday is gone for the weekend, on a fieldtrip. Haha crazy. Anyways for some venting

Wow has this week been extremely stressful. If you didn't know, one of my uncles passes away while I was at aids walk. It was crazy and it didn't hit me until I drove away from the walk. Why is all I asked myself. I am fortunate enough to have awesome friends and a wonderful girlfriend to help me through it. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. On top of that, as many of you know I have been incredibly busy with zeta stuff. It's totally something new and fun on a whole new level but it does add on the stress at times. I realize that it is my fault and it is helping me grow and learn as an individual. I have no regrets what so ever with the decisions I have made. To add another layer to my week I had 3 midterms, one in calculus, genetics, and ochem. I honestly have only slept for about 10 or so hours this week. I am running off of coffee, black now no sugar or creme, energy drinks and just sheer determination to get this week behind me. Bring it on next week, it can only get brighter from here, I hope. Wish me luck


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


in love. yes the L word. actually its been a while already. i never thought it could happen so fast. i guess time isn't everything. i always knew i would, but so fast in a relationship it boggles my mind. 3months soon, well luann likes to think we have been together since june 28th, our first meeting. not a single regret what so ever. steph and i were talking about this, she is amazed that i am in love, and that i actually used the L word. i use to dread the L word, but then again i wasn't with luann. not to sound all soft and mushy and all that, but she is amazing, everything i could ask for. i know my recent blogs have been about her, but you know what i don't care. inseparable since the day we have met really. through the troubles we have, we face them together, one at a time.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

the best part of my days

is when i get to come home. its such an awesome feeling. even if i had such a harsh day, everything goes away. <3

Monday, September 15, 2008


how someone can make me feel the way i do. i am still overwhelmed by everything and just can't believe it. call me soft but im so happy. people have said they can see it in my actions when i am with her, and im glad. even when im not with her, i still have a giant kool-aid smile on my face just knowing that i get see her soon. i will tell the world i don't care.<3

Monday, August 11, 2008


this detox is going ok. i still drink but other than that i am clean. beer pong anyone?

Sunday, August 3, 2008


i am done with raves and everything involved with it. got something way better. and its a tad healthier that i actually stop haha. no morE. promise.

Friday, August 1, 2008


is her name. its pretty awesome actually. smooth sailing.

vegas was nuts/lots of fun. SEACAL! can't wait to go back once it gets colder. another 3-4 month break though first.

hooray for school to start soon.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


First of all I am going to put Steph on blast on saying that she hates reading my blog cause most of the post are one sentence long, so im going to try to make this one giant run on sentence for her or else she will get mad at me and she beats me, physically attacks me, everyone be scared; she will even be mad that i am putting her on blast and when i link this to her over AIM or ichat as she uses (WEAK SON!) shes going to get angry or just start laughing. haha

Disney California Adventure! I <3 that place. It doesn't have the classic feel of Disneyland but its so much fun. The new Toy Story game beats any shooting game, destroys Buzz Lightyear! NO MERCY!!!!!!! haha i am using a lot of exclamation points cause i am that excited about that place. Hollywood Tower of Terror was freaking awesome too. I was actually a bit nervous from anticipation. The other rides were so-so. Ate, drank lots, and did a whole bunch of walking. Electrical parade was pretty cool, so many lights, flash backs i swear haha. super tired and my feet hurt but all in all, it was a great day. =)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

ear to ear

where did this come from... its nice i have to admit. =)

Sunday, July 6, 2008


are too cool for me now. im here, you there. always got time

Monday, June 30, 2008


WOW! took my breath away. moby fucking rocked the stage like no other. floored. 10pm-11am. after party. <3 Edc!


Sept. 13th. See You There!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

that place

where no one can touch you. nothing outside matters. everything goes away. As i look through old pictures, it brings me back. =)

Sunday, June 22, 2008


you fall when you first meet. you fall even more so once you get to know them. harder and harder each time

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


you are never alone. from all the shit i have been through,caused,dealt with, one thing i know is that I am never alone. I might feel like i have to deal with problems alone, but there is always a FRIEND(s) that are willing to help me out through anything. no one is ever alone and neither are you. remember that. one call away, a short drive away, at your door steps, always there for you

Monday, June 16, 2008

worlds away

From First to Last.

i have nothing really to blog about really. nothing exciting has been going on nor anything worthwhile. eh just listening to music and studying. Straight A Club - president here i come.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Taking Back Sunday

Set Phasers to Stun.


Thursday, June 5, 2008


sometimes its hard to explain it. i know why i do it, yet i can't explain my actions to others. they wouldn't get it i guess. maybe i should try??maybe not and i'll just keep it to myself.

Friday, May 30, 2008

bit by bit

i got a bit sad taping boxes up today. seeing how bare the room was just got to me. yeah im a big softy sometimes. lots of good memories; food, tv watching, countless hours of talking, pillow throwing, a couple of wrestling matches, endless movie nights, and so much more. always a good time. sighhhh

Monday, May 26, 2008

steph says

opposite of me, yet has common grounds. gravy where are you?

Saturday, May 24, 2008


OMFG thank you rommel. i haven't laughed that hard in so long. HAHA its classic already. love you bro

Friday, May 23, 2008

one in a million

its rare what we have. unheard of.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


so i haven't updated in a while. school is over for a few weeks. yay for summer school, not. actually i am kinda excited. something to do. birthday was so dope. took a trip to vegas, strictly business. had a change of heart, sorry again. summer awaits. lots planned out. chuckin dueces everyday.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Club M

FUCK MOSUN. wouldn't let us eat. We waited for 2 fucking hours. Ate at Taco Loco haha.

First of all, Thank YOU to everyone that came out that night. I know it was a far drive but I am so glad you guys came to celebrate my birthday with me. We shut that club DOWN. haha I drank way too much but still remember everything. Danced the night away. There were so many people that showed up, Moval + Fullerton + Irvine rolled through. DANCE DRANK DANCE DRANK, the theme of the night really. It was the best birthday i've ever had. Everyone had fun i hoped. around 10 or so patron shots, mix drinks, beers, bleh too much but i remember everything. yay for 22!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

deuce deuce

its my birthday. survived 21.
Downtown Disney w/ Rae and next thing I know it, it was 12:00am. super nice

thanks for the wishes everyone. it put a smile on my face.

see everyone on friday i hope.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


i've been on the mood to just dance.

i don't get down to hiphop

Sunday, April 27, 2008

08 is great!

Dudes, I am so excited,giddy,happy for the next following weeks. The upcoming events are about to be so much fun. Like I haven't been this happy in so long or excited for anything in a while. 08 is the shit so far.

This past Thursday-Sunday was super chilled. Thursday Valley View, Mikey, Migs, and Rae and I went to DTF. Danced, drank the business you know. Friday, Mosun/Club M with Mikey and Rae. Super chill, i love that place. I love it so much, May 9th everyone come out to celebrate my birthday! Saturday was chill, hung out with Rae, ate some baskin robbins talked. At night went to TGIFridays and drank and ate dinner or what not. Talked until the sun came up. Which brings us to Sunday. Chilled again, ate Thai Basil headed home. 3 rounds with Rae ahah.

Next week - mexico with FAMILY and FRIENDS! enough said

May 7th - my fucking birthday. Celebrating it with FROM FIRST TO LAST! Round IV with Rae! my new concert buddy haha. Shit is about to be bananas!

May 8th - contine the celebration of course

May 9th - COME TO MOSUN/CLUB-M! we are going to drink and dance the night away. holla for more info.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Saturday was probably one of the most fun I have ever had. 2wheelife went to AAA Autoclub speedway for our track day. There was nothing like being around good friends, food, and motorcycles. I was really nervous first lap out, the track is a huge track with a crazy long straight away. I taped up my speedometer just so I won't freak out when if i look at my speed. First session out, fastest lap was 2.21minutes. SLOW, but I was getting to know the track and all that. Each session after that I cut down my time, fastest time was 2.00.455minutes. My goal was to break into the 1minute mark and I was so close. I am actually happy with my time, quickest of my group of friends. That is saying a whole lot, since the last track day I was getting lapped. I topped out my bike in 6th gear @ 17k rpms. It was nuts to see the needle just bouncing off. 140mph+! Finally got my knee down. Thanks musky and vadd for the lesson. Its a wild wild feeling being that close to the ground. Tires are shot, my body is sore, but I can't wait until the next track day. Pure Bliss

Friday, April 11, 2008


So last night I went to 330. Typical Thursday for me really. Marc, Mikey, Migs, Joanna, Rae and I went. 330 isn't my usual place to be at just cause its so AZN there. I like a place where there is diversity, not guys wearing the newest Crooks, Fresh Jive, Stussy, GRN apple blah blah blah with the latest nikes. I am no hater on shoes, my roomies are shoe heads and I have to admit there are some clean shoes they have. They do it with class and steez you know, while these other fools just pick up the latest cause thats whats hot right now. Anyways, I am not going to lie, I had a really good time actually. It was the company I was with that made the night enjoyable. We each had a couple drinks, taking turns buying rounds. Talked about random things, such as quoting Dumb and Dumber quotes, EDC, sitting on a chair and a whole bunch of other randomness. It was nice, hanging with real people.

Monday, April 7, 2008

old man jan

Jan Karl
u will see a girl or get to know a girl and nothing will stop u because u know she is the one to go for

jan told me that today. i believe jan, thats the problem too, i know its true. haven't really given up at all really.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008


what a weekend/week its been. mentally, i am just drained. O-Chem midterm has kept me up on my toes. just got done with physics, easy breezy like butter. its about to be crunch time tonight though for 0-chem. enough with school. i was pretty drained from How Sweet. I wasn't normal until Wednesday I'd say. Not going to vegas anymore. A couple guys couldn't go so its not fun if my friends are not there. Session is postponed until I can go. Most likely summer.

Just signed up for track day. April 19th, AAA Speedway. YEAH BOY! I am a bit nervous though. its been a while since I've been riding. Spring break is coming so I guess I'll be riding all week now.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


how sweet was dope. still on the recovery mode. i'll update later, when i get some free time. ochem and physics midterm this week. blah

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

march madness!

so I haven't really blogged while at school in a long time. Its such a nice day out today too. Last year today, I got rained on hardcore. one of the worst days ever. Anyways I am not sad or anything haha. CSUF made it to NCAA tourney, so this thursday is about to be insane! Also my nig rom turns 21 finally. FINALLY RIGHT?! i have nothing else to say really

countdown to saturday. =)


=(..ohh the memories

Monday, March 17, 2008


so i know what it feels like to be the receiving end of the dagger. not a good feeling at all

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Now for some real blogging. Had to let out the frustration you know.

Shit was pretty chill this weekend. Sunday was a super fun day. Jan, Ter, Link, Rom, Jen, and I went to cabazon to eat ostrich burgers, which were not bad at all. I felt healthy eating it. Link organized it, and it was his first event really so we had to do it. Went nicely, i'd say success. The store is like a healthy/natural store. Best PEANUT BUTTER EVER! We each bought our own jar cause it was that good. Got some good sourdough bread as well. Then we went to cabazon to look around. Well I wanted to go to the Levi store, but I realized I am not the biggest fan of Levis as they are pretty heavy. Maybe I should try Capital Es before I say no to levis all together. The car ride was pretty fun. We rolled in Jan's Moms Van ahah. Ugh, i have to go back to fullerton and go to school.

Talked to Mic. sunday 4pm. yessir

One more week.

fuck you

i just wanted to fucking chill in peace. edited

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Act Your Age, Not Your Shoe Size and maybe...

Why is it when I am just chillen, enjoying the night, people trying to have a serious conversation? Could it be that I am not drunk like them, fueled by alcohol, that I don't feel like talking? I am all for serious conversation, but not when I am trying to have a good time, bringing me down with drunk talk. Leave me be in peace, for reals. I grew out of that stage of being drunk off my ass, where all my respect for self and others drowned out with alcohol, so long ago. I guess GROW UP, shits not high school anymore. Anyways let me re-cap the weekend.

Thursday - Jan convinced me to go to DTF to hang with him and a couple nurses. Crazy ass nurses haha. It was pretty fun, got home at 2, did some homework then called it a night

Friday - In the morning I woke up to Jan whispering to me to get breakfast burritos. We went to Pepe's, best ever with light beans! Went back to moval. DLed so much music and made another mix haha. Ended up at Raffy's birthday party or whatever it was. I watched people get hurt on the trampoline which made my night. Watching fools drink like that, completely turn me away from drinking.

Saturday - Steph and I took an outing to LA. "to live and die in LA" . It was pretty random actually. The plan was to go to AA so I can return/exchange/come up on some shirts. I ended finding a super awesome/special spot that made me like laugh out loud for like 5 minutes. It was an good feeling. Ended up getting lost in LA, but whatevers we had fun. Ikea was next on the list haha. Rode my bike home from long beach super quick to go get jan and link to go to DnB @ The Block. It was whatevers. Plans were to go to Vanguard, but BS, BS! whatevers I am over it. Ended the night at Links house, watched Flight of the Phoenix and ate some bomb noodles.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008


so i realized sometimes you have to tell a lie. I am honest as I can be, but I do tell white lies to protect others. Its not that I am not honest, it is more like I am not telling the truth, well really cause I am scared what would happen if I did. I am scared of the outcomes. I feel horrible for saying lies, but I'd feel even worst if the truth changed how things are going. Daft Punk said it best in "digital love" song.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

acta non verba

actions not words. Don't be all talk. I'll talk big, but I also walk big. prove it.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


So I figured out what kind of work I want done. I told a select few what I want just for their opinion. I'll show it to people when I get it done.

I am all about randomness, spontaneous events. Today Steph, my CF my sister, tells me that its only 131 one way to fly to London. So being the people we are, our minds starts wandering. We were probably 2 minutes away from booking the trip, if it wasn't for the fact fucking 9/11 fee that added an extra 200 to the ticket. If I was working, we'd be fucking packing our bags right now. It would have went down for spring break. I'm a little sad we are not going, but you know what, we'll be there soon.

-me, from Fullerton, CA, USA, North America(this time)

Sunday, February 24, 2008


So this weekend, I attended Link's grandfather's funeral. RIP Grandpa Traymany. During the entire ceremony, I was just had time to reflect. This is by no means a suicidal thought or I am not even near depression or anything. If I was to die tomorrow, woul I have been satisfied with the life i lived? Thats all I thought about. Well the majority of the time that was going through my head. I tell myself all the time I don't want to live with any regrets, I don't want to dwell on the past and think about the "what ifs" in my life. This is old, but everything does happen for a reason. I thought long and hard about my life. I have made some horribly stupid ass decisions that started digging my grave, but you know what I made those choices. I am sorry I did what I did, but there is no way I can do anything about them now. The only person I am really apologizing to is myself, I let myself down each time I did what I did. Sometimes you just have to say sorry to yourself I guess. I am also sorry to those I hurt because of my actions. I am greatful for those that cared about what I did, they stepped up and told me whats up. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Its friends like those that get me through my hard times, and the ones I hold closest. I am satisfied with how I have been living my life. I do everything to my full potential, never holding back. My main motivation for what I do is, whatever makes me happy, I am there. How can something that makes you happy be wrong, right? People might not be happy with what I do, or not understand it, all I can say is that it is in good fun. I am trying to live out my 20s as much as I can, before the "real world" takes over. That does not mean I am trying to party everyday, get drunk and fucked up or anything like that. I am just trying to have a good time with my friends and family. Well really, my friends become family to me. So really, to cliffnote this nonsense of letters, I am happy of how my life has turned out, my accomplishes, and my failures that really helped me learn a little more about myself. The other thought running in my head was, I wonder who would come to my funeral. That shit is another blog all on its own as this is getting long.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

pt. 3

i am updating for the weekend. nothing to do so i might as well blog. So i thought i was going to get fish tacos with jan, but nope. We ended up eating at his house, salmon and rice. It was good. Went to the mall with Jan and Ter. Well really, it was just H&M. Had to get a black shirt for tomorrow. Ending up getting a sweater, jeans, and a black shirt. Ter got jealous cause jan and i shared a cinnibun, and he had no one to share it with. Lately Fridays, I've been with Jan a lot. Its all good. Ended up going to Wahoos in norco. Picked up Jen along the way. After eating, we all headed over to Link's uncle's house to hang with link a bit and to see how he is doing. Chilled for a bit then headed home. Bored once again. until the next update...

Friday, February 22, 2008

pt. 2

last night was pretty random. migs marc and rae were suppose to go to bar 330, aka azn town. Stuff happened and they ended up chilling at the apt with me. If i was to go, i would have been DD. They ended up drinking at D20. I had like 2 beers if that, alcohol is blah to me kind of now. Had some funny ass talks about nothing. Marc had a grape swisher, oh that smell brought back memories. Ask me about it later ha. Knocked out around 1.

Its raining like all week. That means there is so much snow at bear. I wish I could go, I haven't been in like a month now. Its all good. I'd go this Sunday, but Saturday I'm going to a funeral, and my friend needs me so yeah thats where I'll be.

Roads will be super slippery. Stupid ass freeway drivers don't know how to drive in the rain. Everyone drive safe this weekend, please please.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

and so it starts

So the week is almost over. Finally right! Woke up super early today, just to get a breakfast burrito with my friend. NEVER AGAIN! will i wake up that early hahaha. it was pretty early, but honestly it was super nice to eat breakfast for once, with good company too. Had a physics midterm today as well, went good. Happy Birthday Euni! We had lunch at nordstroms, haven't ate there in a while, finished off with a cookie, most amazing cookie ever. Took a crazy 2 hour nap. Ate dinner with Migs, Marc and Rae. pretty much my day summed up in a paragraph.

Pepe's Breakfast burrito - no beans ! best ever

Sunday, February 17, 2008

chill zone pt. 2

Boring ass week. I got my truck broken into. My indash and my ipod got jacked. Let me tell you it fucking sucks not having music. I got my ipod shuffle (thanks again) but its not the same. I go crazy driving my truck since I don't have any beats. Whatever I am getting a new deck, new ipod, new phone, and hopefully a system as well. HAHA to whoever stole it, it won't even work cause they never took the control unit, clowns.

Friday, Jeff Lainie, Ter and I headed out to the chill zone. Had to introduce Jeff and Lainie to it. We payed 30 for parking, a huge fucking rip off but whatever. It was so much fun. We had a little little to ease the tension in the car on the drive up there. Smoking patio was chill but the main room was where it was at. Oldies/HipHop/Smash early into the night. Round 2 started off at around 12:30. Thats when they played the trance/house. OMFG haha. Danced from like 1-3 straight. We would have stayed longer except we all ran out of cigs and they turned on the house lights ahaha.

The drive home was super chill. Even though I missed the exit, it was a good drive. Chit Chatted until like 7am. We were that close to watching the sun rise, except none of us wanted too. We wanted to sleep HAHA. Last night was good, just slept and talked.

Good fucking times. Repeat is in order.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

fuck it

That's the motto pretty much. No one gets you except your true friends and family. People are fake in general. They are always trying to do shit that benefits them. Unlike them, your true friends has your back. They look out for you. They understand your actions, even though they might not agree with it, they still support you. Friends will know when something is up and tell you they don't like it, or you need to quit what you are doing. This all came to Ter and I as our drive home from Hollywood. See it was just the 2 of us, but we had an amazing time. We always make the best of what we have. That's life in general, make the best of what you have, not trying to wish you had something else. All you will do is just wish for dreams/hopes/miracles, that is not going to happen unless you put effort into making it happen. Our night in Hollywood turned EPIC, everything was going our way. We were taking whatever comes our way. Thats what we do. Even though it was the 2 of us, we met up with 2 girls and just chilled all night. We are not going to sit there wishing person X or person Y came, fuck it. If they didn't come, they missed out. To those that missed out, sorry for you guys, you missed out on a crazy fun filled night


Monday, January 28, 2008

week 2 day 1

What a horrible weekend it was. I couldn't even go snowboarding because I was bed ridden from a damn virus. I am going to murder who ever gave it to me, and I know who it was too! hahah I am just kidding, I would never. Not being able to board with my friends dampen my spirits a bit but its all good, just something to look forward even more this coming Sunday. Yeah Saturday I was sweating the pacific ocean. At least I am getting better, I hope. I haven't been that sick since like the black plague era.

Second week of school started. Parking is still horrible, but good think I come early so I don't have to deal with that mess. I am starting to get back into the groove of doing homework between breaks and such. Time to hit up Starbucks after class again. Time to come to school a couple hours before class just to do homework. I told myself no late night procrastinations this semester. I am trying to reduce the amount of stress as much as possible. I am trying to be organized, spreading all my work through the day. I want to manage my time more responsibly, instead of spending countless hours in front of the tube with Tim Allen and Home Improvement, Man Vs. Wild, and all those other shows I usually watch. Blogging doesn't count since its more of therapeutic , so really its a way of me releasing stress. Until the next blog...


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Update, Go Titans!

Damn I haven't written on this blog in such a long time! Well there hasn't been anything to write about really. Only thing thats happen after new years is boarding with the guys like every other day and with Euni like twice haha. I swear we'll go up more!

Anyways school started. I am taking Calculus, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Bio-Genetics. I have a lab every day again which sucks. I am kinda regretting taking 3 science courses and calculus. I am going to be buried under so much work its going to be hectic. I don't really see anyone at school, which is sad. I am getting sick which sucks, theres no way I can miss any school days. My classes seem pretty chill right now too. Bio Lab seems like a lot of fun, the TA is really chill. He claims to be a master of BSing things, but I'll put that to the test. Um I ate like a million pounds of bread on the first day of class, Panera then Le Diplomat, lol thanks Euni! =)

Tomorrow is the end of the first school week. I am actually glad school started, gives me something to do and I am going to admit that I actually like school. Well I like being challenged. Anyways I actually can't wait to get back to moval. even though I know I won't be doing anything over the weekend, I miss it there. I miss my family already. I miss my friends, VALLEY VIEW! haha.

Snowboard on Sunday. This season has been amazing so far, I've never had sooo much fun. A great way to start releasing the stress that school brings on. I wish you could come up, maybe next time.

I am going to keep updating this often since school is in session. Also I am trying to type as proper as I can since I can get pretty lazy. I am an awesome writer, so I might as well use it.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

hello 08

recap of the last week or so.....
Silk - shit was so much fun. pre-party for marites' birthday. everyone was there yet it wasn't too crowded. introduced everyone to X-rated and sprite haha. had my usual jack n COKE and henny shots. too bad it ended at 2, party was just starting to peak!
12/30. - only slept for 2 hours, ter and i headed to vegas! Stayed in the Venetian, which was chill. JET was on the top of the dome for tonight! started it off at Ricky's suite in the Palms. We had that moet, henny, vodka, jack n coke, you know the normal shit. candy was good...JET was incredible. finally the trance room was the main room. I was there all night, til about 3:30. everyone left at 1 or so. i guess so-cal kids are use to leaving by 2. haha not i. didn't walk into my room til about 6, didn't wake up til 6pm haha.
12/31 - Happy Birthday Marites! chilled at the RIO the majority of the night. iCandy bar was chill. fucking freezing on the strip watching fire works haha. called it a night.
1/1 - Happy New Years. Resolution this year - stick with diet coke.
until the next update, adios!